Why do we fall ill? Mcqs from Class 9th biology NCERT and CBSE


 Why do we fall ill? Mcqs Class 9th from NCERT and CBSE book

Lets Go,

1. AIDS is due to

ANSWER= (A) Reduction to number of hrlper T-cells


2. Which of the following is non-communicable disease ?

ANSWER= (A) Allergy


3. A chronic disease is

ANSWER= (A) hypertension


4. AIDS is mainly caused by

ANSWER= (D) all of the above


5. Infections diseases spread through.

ANSWER= (D) all of these


6. which one of the following is incorrect about tuberculosis ?

ANSWER= (A) It is caused by salmonella


7. Which one of the following is not important for individual health ?

ANSWER= (D) Living in a large and well furnished house


8. Which of the following can make you ill if you come in contact with an infected person ?

ANSWER= (C) Sneezing


9. AIDS virus has.

ANSWER= (C) Single strand RNA


10. ........is the commonest carrier of pathogens.

ANSWER= (B) housefly


11. T.B is caused by

ANSWER= (C) Streptomycin


12. which one of the following has a long term effect on the health of an individual ?

ANSWER= (D) chewing tobacco


13. Which of the following is a bacterial disease ?

ANSWER= (C) Tetanus


14. Female Anopheles mosquito is a carrier of a pathogen that causes.

ANSWER= (C) Malaria


15. Pain in abdomen is

ANSWER= (A) Symptom

About chapter,

Health and Its Failure, Disease and Its Causes, Sources of Disease, Types of Diseases (Cogenital and Acquired); Acquired (Infectious and Non Infectious); Infectious (Contagious and Non-Contagious); Non Infectious (Deficiency, Metabolic, Degenerative Cancer, Metabolic Allergies, Injury), Infectious Diseases [Infectious Agents (Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria, Protozoa, Worm), Means of Spread (Air-borne, Water-Borne, Sexually Transmitted, Formite-Borne and Through Vectors), Symptoms of Disease, Principle of Treatment, Principle of Prevention of Disease, Vaccination, Examples of Diseases Caused due to Infection by Microorganisms [Protozoa (Malaria) Viruses (Influenza, Jaundice, Rabies, AIDS, Polio), Bacteria (Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid, Diarrhoea, Peptic Ulcers)], Some Vital Facts about Diseases, Summary, Formative Assessment, Study Materials for Seminars, Symposia, Group Discussion, Issues on Community Awareness and Projects, Summative Assessment, NCERT Testbook Questions and Exercises with Answers, Questions based on NCERT Question Bank (Exemplar Problems in Science), Questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Questions of CBSE Sample Paper, Some Typical or Illustrative Questions, Drawing or Illustration Based Questions, Some Activity Based Questions, Paper-Pen Test, Revision Questions, Value Based Questions with Answers.

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