Improvement in food resources mcqs class 9th | Bio Mcqs with answers(CBSE and NCERT) | koonotes


Improvement in food resources.
Chapter -1

Let starts

1. Increase in oil production is.

ANSWER= (B) yellow revolution


2. The place for keeping and studying dry plants is called :

ANSWER= (C) herbarium


4. Organic farming does not include

ANSWER= (B) chemical fertilizers


3. pulses are rich in

ANSWER= (B) protein


5. Pusa lerma ia an improved variety of

ANSWER= (B) wheat


6. which one is micronutrient for the crop plants ?

ANSWER= (C) iron


7. Maximum milk yielding buffalo 🐃 is

ANSWER= (D) murrah


8. The jersey bull used for cross breeding is exotic variety from

ANSWER= (A) England


9. layers continue to produce eggs upto

ANSWER= (C)500 days

10. wax glands of honey bee are present in :

ANSWER= (C)workers


11. which of the following is the high milk yielding variety of cow ?

ANSWER= (A) Holstein


12. The fungus disease causing maximumvdeath of poultry bird is

ANSWER= (D) aspergillosis


13. cattle husbandry is done for the following purpose

ANSWER= (D) all of these


14. Living organism are used in

ANSWER= (A) Organic manure


15. which one is not a source of carbohydrates?

ANSWER= (D) Gram

About chapter,

Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming, Improvement in Yields [Crop Production, Management (Nutrient Management), Crop Improvement for Higher Yield Through Genetic Manipulation, Crop Protection Management], Manures and Fertilisers, Manures (FYM, Compost, Green Manure), Fertilisers (Nitrogenous, Phosphatic, Potassic, Complex, Biofertilizers), Irrigation (Advantages Factors Controlling Irrigation, Irrigation Systems), Water Augmentation (Rain-Water Harvesting, Water Shed Management), Cropping Patterns, (Mixed Cropping, Inter Cropping, Crop Rotation, Plant Breeding for High Yielding Crops, Crop Protection Management, [Weed Control, Insect Pest Control, Diseases of Crop Plants (Seed-Borne, Soil-Borne, Air-Borne and Water-Borne Diseases)], Control of Crop Diseases, Storage of Grain, Animal Husbandry, Cattle Farming [Breeds of Cows, Breeds of Buffaloes, Breed Improvement, Farm Management Practices (Components of Cattle Feed, Diseases of Cattle and Buffaloes (Parasitic; Infectious)], Poultry Farming, Poultry Breeders, Varietal Improvement, Egg and Boiler Production, Housing Shelter and Feed, Diseases of Poultry, Fish Production (Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture, Inland Fisheries, Composite Fish Culture, Bee Keeping, Products Obtained from Apiculture, Honeybee Varieties used for Bee Keeping, Management For High Yields of honey, Diseases and Enemies of Honeybee, Summary, Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, NCERT Textbook Questions and Exercises with Answers, Questions Based on NCERT Question Bank, Questions of CBSE Sample Paper, Paper Pen Test, Revision Questions, Value Based Questions with Answer

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